Sharad Nagpal & Associates
558, District Court Dwarka, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi #9312218622

Civil law, in a narrow sense, is the law relating to persons, things, and relationships between them, excluding criminal law, commercial law, and labour law.
With regard to civil law litigation, our firm offers a range of legal services to our clients, including money recovery, property disputes, suits involving children, wards, guardianships, estates, executorships, claims, partitions, marriages, successions, wills, probate, administrations. We represent our clients in front of courts, tribunals, commissions, boards, and other judicial or quasi-judicial authorities.
These services include consulting, drafting, pleading, and appearing before the courts.
The legal system in India is vast, and there are many other laws and regulations that govern different aspects of civil life in the country.
Property Law, Succession Law, Family Law, Law Relating to Documents & Declaratory Suits are some of the significant parts of civil law in India
We provide comprehensive legal services to our clients so that they can get one window solution of every kind of Disputes and at every level of disputes under matrimonial law, criminal law or disputes related to property. We provide legal consultancy services, prior to dispute so that the dispute can be avoided, besides providing litigation services to our clients at each and every level of dispute.